
Become a Scott County Public School Head Start volunteer and learn more about child development. Gain experience which may qualify you for employment in the field of caring for and teaching young children.

Children learn by doing. Everything your child does while enrolled with Head Start will help him/her learn about themselves and our world. You are welcome to volunteer and observe your child at work and play. Watching your child grow and develop new skills can be one of the most rewarding parts of being a parent.

What are my responsibilities when I volunteer at the center?

You volunteer at the center to become another member of the teaching team. You may be asked to help with the following tasks:

  • Assisting on field trips
  • Tell or read stories to the children
  • Help prepare the snack or a cooking activity
  • Help lead a circle time activity
  • Help clean-up at the center
  • Check In/Out Chatter and Math bags

Why Volunteering Is Important


Careful records are kept of every hour volunteered for the program. This helps bring in the local matching funds required by the grant. Every hour volunteered represents money to the program. Lunch will be provided to all volunteers who have donated at least three hours of volunteer time on that day.

The local match or non-federal share of the Head Start budget is known as In-kind. The federal government grants 80% of funds needed to operate the Head Start program with the condition that we “match” the grant with a “local share” of 20% of funds. Parents and other volunteers help us meet the 20% by volunteering their time and talents.

Be sure to fill out an In-kind form each time you volunteer. It will be verified and turned in on the last day of each month by your teacher, or family resource specialist. Blank forms are available in the center, at the Head Start office and from family resource specialists.

The reasonable value of time, donated by Head Start community members, policy council/committee members and parents in conducting the program self-assessment, attending business meetings, and workshops can be used as a part of the non-federal share.

Parents of children in the program may count the time involved in medical or dental services that are required by Head Start Performance Standards.

Other ways volunteer time may be counted as In-kind include:

  • The volunteer time of anyone providing or participating in training
  • Time spent out of town for workshops or training sessions (up to 8 hours per day) sponsored by the Head Start program.
  • Building and grounds maintenance, assembling equipment, and other special projects.
  • All services, tangible or intangible, provided by the School Board (grantee)