Health Services
One of the Head Start goals is to make sure that all children have a medical provider for ongoing medical care. To assure that this source of health care is available, Head Start determines if each child has a “medical home” so they can receive regular care and physical exams to keep them healthy. If you do not have a medical doctor for your child, your Family Resource Specialist will assist you in finding one. Most children qualify for Virginia Medicaid. If your child does not have medical insurance that will pay for a physical exam, Head Start will assist with the cost at some providers.
Health Records
Head Start ensures that each child’s record is kept confidential.
Each child must have their immunization record on file the first day of school and their annual physical examination must be submitted within the first month of school. The physical examination must follow the Virginia EPSDT (Early Periodic Screening, Diagnostic & Treatment) requirements and includes proof of a lead and anemia screening.
If your child has already received a lead screening your doctor should include the results on your child’s physical. Parents taking their child for a physical should remind the health care provider that the physical must meet Head Start requirements.
Staff can provide parents with a copy of the physical examination form for their health care provider to document the child’s physical, or the health care provider may use their own form. Documentation of the physical will be given to staff to file in your child’s folder.
If you do not already have a primary source of health care (medical home) your assigned Family Resource Specialist can assist you in finding one.
Health education will be provided to parents through referrals, newsletters, pamphlets, and parent meetings.
Dental Health
A current dental examination by a licensed dentist is required for enrolled children. Dental follow-up will be completed as needed.
If additional treatment or services are needed as a result of the above exam, Head Start will work with providers to make arrangements for payment. Head Start cannot be responsible for dental treatments without prior approval.
If you do not already have a primary source of dental care (dental home) your assigned Family Resource Specialist can assist you in finding one.
If you already have a dental home, and your child has received a dental exam within the last year, staff will request a copy of your child’s dental records.
To promote effective dental hygiene, Head Start staff will assist your child in brushing their teeth daily with an ADA approved fluoride toothpaste.
Throughout the year, parents will be given educational information to promote good dental health.
Individual Health Plan
If your child has limitations, medications, or special conditions you must provide written documentation from a physician. This will be recorded on Head Start’s Individual Health Plan.
A health care plan is a simple document that lists specific health concerns and outlines any steps or precautions that must be taken. Children who should have health care plans will fall into two broad categories: short-term (acute) and long-term (chronic).
Examples of children with a need for a short-term care plan are those with healing fractures or recovering from recent surgery. Chronic concerns, such as diabetes and seizure disorders, require a long-term care plan. Some children may also have health conditions that have the potential to be both acute and chronic. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, allergies that require EpiPen, asthma inhalers, or nebulizer treatments.
Seasonal allergies, such as hay fever, do not impact the classroom setting and therefore do not require a plan.
More serious allergies, such as severe reactions to bee stings or certain food, do require a plan.
Each plan should contain brief, clear medical information and let our staff know how to respond in case a reaction occurs. It should be updated regularly (every 6 months) to ensure that responses are still appropriate and have current, signed medical orders from the child’s physician.
Emergency Care
Although children are kept under constant supervision within sight and sound at all times, things happen at Head Start as they do other places. Children get hurt on the playground or become very ill, very quickly. Head Start does as much as possible to prevent those situations, but they cannot be prevented entirely. Consequently, Head Start has developed a set of Emergency Procedures for each center, the buses, field trips, and hopefully every other situation that might arise.
A very important document related to safety and emergencies is the Emergency Contact form. If a sick or injured child requires treatment without the presence of a parent, this is the form Head Start staff will use to care for your child. This Emergency Information MUST Remain Current.
Emergency phone numbers are posted beside each telephone and includes:
- Ambulance or rescue squad service
- Local fire department
- Local police department
- Poison Control Center
All staff members are certified in Pediatric First Aid/CPR. Should your child be involved in a medical or dental emergency, our staff is trained to follow the steps in our emergency plan of action. A decision will be made if the accident/illness requires an ambulance to transport your child to emergency medical care, or if parents/staff are able to transport your child.
Remember, you will be contacted immediately, but if you cannot be reached, we will use the Emergency Contact form for emergency procedures to follow in order to give your child the best care possible. It’s very important to inform your teacher when your emergency numbers change.
First aid procedures are posted at each Head Start center and are used as guidance. First aid kits are well-stocked and available at all times.
Medication Administration
Over-the-counter medication will not be administered to enrolled children.
If possible, every effort should be made by parents to administer prescribed medication to their child before or after school hours. Please notify us if your child is receiving any type of medication at home so we are aware and watch for adverse signs or allergic reactions.
When necessary, prescribed medication can be given with a written statement from the physician recorded on the ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION form. No medication will be given until this form is received. Parents are welcome to administer medication to their own child.
Prescribed medications must be in the original container with the full pharmacy label attached. Your pharmacist can assist you with ‘school medication’. Medications must be delivered to the child’s teacher by the parent. Do not send medication by an older child or in your child’s backpack.
Program staff are trained in Medication Administration and keep detailed records of all medications administered.
Orders for long-term medications must be renewed and updated every 6 months.
For the protection of all children, children who are sick or who have an illness or condition that might be contagious should not attend school until they feel like participating with classrooms activities and is no longer contagious. Notify the center whenever your child is going to be absent for illness.
A child should be kept home or may be sent home for any of the following symptoms:
Complaints of not feeling well and is unable to participate comfortably in program activities
Shows any flu-like symptoms (fever over 101°, vomiting, diarrhea)
See Virginia Department of Health Communicable Disease Chart here.
It is our intent to reinforce health hygiene practices with children to develop lifelong healthy habits. We practice good hand washing techniques routinely and frequently with the children.
No Fragrance Policy
There are an increasing number of children and adults diagnosed with allergies, some of which can be quite severe. In an attempt to ensure that everyone maintains their best possible quality of health, Head Start is a NO FRAGRANCE site. We request that volunteers and children come to school without wearing perfumes or colognes.
Tobacco Policy
Second-hand smoke has been recognized as a health hazard and a trigger for asthma. It is the policy of Scott County Public School to prohibit tobacco use within the building occupied by Head Start programs, vehicles used for public transit, Head Start playgrounds and centers. For the purposes of this policy, “tobacco” is defined to include any lighted or unlighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, e-cigarettes and any other smoking product, spit tobacco, also known as smokeless, dip, chew, snuff, in any form.
Drug Free Policy
Scott County Head Start prohibits the use, possession, manufacture, sale, purchase, transfer of or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or other intoxications at any time on agency premises.
Health Advisory Committee
The program utilizes a Health Advisory Committee composed of Head Start staff, Head start parents and community health professional to offer support, guidance and advisement to the Head Start program’s health services – which includes health, dental, and mental health. Each parent committee is responsible for electing up to 2 parents to participate in the Head Advisory committee. Generally, the HAC meets two times each year, once in the Fall and again in the Spring.
Parent Education and Resources
Up-to-date educational information will be provided to all Head Start parents through monthly newsletters, personalized letters, classroom letters, and training sessions offered. Each parent is offered an opportunity to complete a Parent Interest Survey in August (or upon entry into program). Parent training will be based on the results of the Parent Survey. Head Start has many different printed resources available in our library located at the central office.