
Head Start / Early Head Start is a comprehensive child development program for infants, toddlers, preschool children, and their families. We work to provide the “whole child” approach-socially, emotionally and physically.

The scope of the Child Health and Development Services in Head Start is to:

  1. Provide for the development of age appropriate language and literacy skills, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making skills all of which form a foundation for school readiness and later school success.
  2. Provide each child with opportunities for success to help develop feelings of competence, self-esteem, and positive attitudes toward learning.
  3. Insure that medical, dental and nutritional services are provided to all enrolled children
  4. Insure each family understands the importance of their securing a medical home.
  5. Help children and families access services of a mental health professional to provide for the prevention, early identification and early intervention in problems that may interfere with a child’s and family’s development.
  6. Provide nutritious food to Head Start children by meeting ⅔ of their daily nutritional needs, and to help each child and family learn about good nutrition and physical activity.
  7. Provide the full range of activities and services, including any modifications necessary, to meet the special needs of children with disabilities.

Head Start Offers Families

Free "School-Day" Child Care

Our Head Start classrooms are child care facilities licensed by the Virginia Department of Social Services. We meet or exceed child care licensing standards and are monitored continually.

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Transportation Services (Preschool)

Transportation services provided on established bus routes for preschool aged children. The majority of Head Start’s preschool children ride the public school bus.
For more information, click here

Support Services

We support each family in their effort to provide a nurturing home environment. Information about basic nutrition, child growth and development, health and dental care, and many other topics are available.

Education In
  • Child Growth & Development
  • Parenting Skills
  • Health & Nutrition
  • The Head Start Curriculum
Activities For The Entire Family

Here at Head Start, we believe that you are the most important part in your child’s education and overall development. There are countless ways for you to become involved in Head Start.

Community Resources

The family and community partnership component of the program works toward identifying, developing and utilizing parents individual strengths in order to successfully meet personal and family goals.

Opportunities Through Adult Education Partnership
  • Learn To Read
  • Earn A GED (High School General Equivalency Diploma)
  • Get Into College